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新手教學, 指令

2 posters


新手教學, 指令 Empty 新手教學, 指令

發表  Admin 周一 3月 02, 2009 3:38 am

Starting guide :

*Possible spoilers at sections 3,4*

1) Useful commands :

• /help : lists all commands
• /tell 名 姓 訊息 : 密語, 會開附視窗
• /partycreate : 組隊
• /partyleave : 離隊
• /invite 名 姓 : 組人進隊 (誰都可以 不用隊長)
• /gui_persist_save : saves your gui configuration (調好使用者介面後按這個指令儲存)
• /gui_persist_load : loads your gui configuration (如果因為任何原因亂掉, 載入原先儲存的介面)
• /annotation_add 你要填的字 : 在你的地圖上標上你要寫的字 (在你現處的位置)
• /annotation_list : 把你地圖標過的字列出來
• /annotation_remove #號碼 : 移除你在地圖上標過的字, 字各有號碼去排 按/annotation_list會顯示這些號碼

Very useful for commands is the autocomplete feature. For example you can type /annotation, then press TAB and you will see all the available commands that start with /annotation.
舉例: 如果你要查尋所有開頭是/annotation xxxxxx 的指令 你先打/annotation不要按enter, 先按tab就可以選擇他所有的指令

2) Keys (default key-bindings) :

• F : 跟NPC講話, 使用東西, 開私人銀行
• G : 跟玩家做交易, 開公會銀行
• V : 阻擋, 盾防
• T : 轉換水平和垂直的砍殺方向
• Num Lock : 自動跑步

3) Useful how-to’s :

• To join a clan (guild), open your Clan window then Browse Clan.

• To view your quest log and manage your friendlist, open the Journal window.

• To bind to a bind/clan/chaos-stone, go near it and then press F (default key). You can recognize them by the upwards beam that they emit. They also appear as red dots on the minimap 綁出生石 按F

• To eat food or potions, double click on food in backpack or drag food in hotbar and then press the hotbar’s key.

• To dive, press crouch (default key is C) and to surface, press jump (default key is the Spacebar) 往下潛水按C(跟蹲下潛行一樣) 往上浮出水面是按挑(空白鍵)

• To use the gathering skills (mining, logging, fishing, herb gathering, skinning), equip and unsheathe the respective tool, go near the gathering source and left click.
採集的話是跟用武器是一樣方法 你手上要裝有適合採集的裝備

i. For fishing, you should be inside the water area and point towards your feet before clicking.
ii. For skinning, you should equip the skinning knife and aim at a gravestone of a dead mob before clicking.
剝皮一樣是跟用武器一樣 用剝皮刀對墓碑剝

• For mount, you need these 3 things:
i. Taming skill (500 gp cost, at Arcanist npc)
ii. Taming whistle (200 gp cost, at Merchant npc)
iii. Steedgrass item (one per mount, it is a random drop when you herb gather)
1. 馴服技能要花500g買
2. 馴服哨子要花200g買
3.要找一種給座騎吃的草叫Steedgrass 要藥草採集

• Battle :
i. To fast switch weapons, drag different weapons (and shields) to different slots in hotbar and then press
ii. To cast a spell, first equip a staff, unsheathe it, select spell by pressing hotbar key (should have dragged spell icons from spell window to hotbar) and then left click.
施法 先裝法杖 選spell(可放到熱鍵)之後按左鍵就可以一直施

• Rogue System :
i. To check if you are rogue (gray), look at the last bar (under the hp/stamina/mp bars) in your status window if it’s gray colour.
ii. Attacking once a blue and friendly race/alliance player makes you gray for 10 seconds. Consecutive attacks on blue targets will each make you gray for 2 minutes.
iii. If you kill a blue player, you get negative alignment points. If your alignment drops below 0, you then become red (city towers will shoot you). To return to blue status, kill other red players or enemy race/alliance players until your alignment becomes greater than 0.

• Incapacitated chars actions :
i. To release when you are incapacitated, press space after about 10 seconds.
ii. To gank an incapacitated player, press X (default key), hold left mouse click until bar is filled and then release left mouse.
iii. To revive an incapacitated player, press Z (default key), hold left mouse click until bar is filled and then release left mouse.

4) How crafting works: Let’s make some arrows as a crafting example.
You equip the pick axe tool, unsheathe it, left click on a mining spawn metal. If mining is successful, you get one iron ore. Then you can go to a smelter, having the tongs tool in your backpack, where you can make iron ingots (2 ingots for 5 ore).
Same thing about wood : You equip the wood axe tool, unsheathe it, left click on a logging spawn tree. If logging is successful, you get one timber. Then you can go to a workbench, having the saw tool in your backpack, where you can make wood (2 wood for 5 timber).
Finally, you can go to a workbench, having the woodworking knife in your backpack, where you can make arrows (20 arrows for 1 iron ingot and 1 wood)

Admin 在 周一 五月 04, 2009 10:35 am 作了第 4 次修改

文章總數 : 185
注冊日期 : 2008-12-01


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新手教學, 指令 Empty 回復: 新手教學, 指令

發表  qeyons 周五 3月 06, 2009 1:56 am

順帶加上好用recall 指令 (飛回綁定石)


文章總數 : 27
注冊日期 : 2008-12-13

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